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December, 17, 2015
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM




John P. Sousa IV

John P. Sousa IV

Marching Along: The Autobiography of My Great-Grandfather, John Philip Sousa

Clinic Synopsis:

Using photos, clippings, and personal stories drawn from his family, John Philip Sousa IV paints a vivid and timely portrait of one of America’s most famous and beloved composers.

John P. Sousa IV - Biographical Information

John Philip Sousa IV has followed in his great grandfather’s footsteps, not as a musician but as a citizen of the United States who is passionate about helping to stop the misdirection his country is taking. Sousa IV loves his country and in his own way does what he can to ensure the Republic thrives. He is a frequent speaker and narrator at Sousa concerts and at patriotic concerts around the country. He not only talks about his great grandfather, his music, and the impact he had on this country, but he also talks about what Sousa has meant to our country’s heritage. He shares with audiences humorous stories of what it is like to be the great grandson of such an historic person. He can be seen periodically on TV talk shows as well as interviews on radio and with the print media.
