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Paula Crider

Paula Crider

Old Wine in New Bottles: Sources of Inspiration to Make Teaching More Efficient, Interesting, Innovative...and Fun

Clinic Synopsis:

This clinic seeks to inspire and inform by presenting creative ways to teach "outside of the box." Topics covered include rehearsal techniques from beginning to advanced levels, recharging the creative batteries while developing better podium communication, finding sources of inspiration, going beyond the notes...why music is our passion.

Paula Crider - Biographical Information

Following a distinguished 33-year teaching career, Paula Crider continues to share her passion for making music through an active schedule as guest conductor, lecturer, clinician and adjudicator. She has enjoyed engagements in 47 states, Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, France, Italy and Australia. She is Professor Emeritus at The University of Texas and continues to serve as visiting guest professor at universities throughout the country. She has written numerous articles for The Instrumentalist, The Band Director’s Guide and National Band Association Journal. She has published manuals for brass techniques, marching band methods and instrumental conducting, and is co-author for the Hal Leonard “Masterwork Studies” series. She serves as coordinator for the NBA Young Conductor/Mentor Program, was recently appointed to the Conn/Selmer Educational Board and is President Elect of ABA.
